How to Choose the Right Home Base Business for YOU

You google the Internet, and all you could see is endless option to choose from,dont worry,here are some 10 KEY indicators to watch out for.

How to be a TOP Earner in Network Marketing industry

The key to succeed in network marketing opportunities Globally is effective marketing. One good strategy is to apply attraction marketing for better result.

How YOU Can take charge of your TOTAL WELLNESS

Have you ever wondered what it takes to live your life the way you have ever wanted it?Looking younger than your age,enjoying the good life and much more.

Get Paid Monthly to Create Global Awareness on Cancer

We value the efforts of those who share our vision as a BCAC Participant by providing a generous financial compensation platform for creating a Network of Strength with the capacity of eradicating the consequences of ignorance in our global world.

helo here

Monday, January 25, 2010

Forget About The Losers-Focus On The Winners!

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I got an audio postcard today from my mentor, Daegan Smith. He was answering the question from a woman who was not getting any results passing out business cards and talking to people about her business.
We have definitely all been there…at least I have!
After his explanation of why she is not getting the results she so desires, he told her to think about WHY she joined that business and what interested her. Her job at this point is to locate people with those same interests.
From there, he told her to:
“forget about the losers who are not interested and focus on the winners who are!”
If you are also still wondering why things aren’t picking up for you or why nobody seems interested in what you have to offer, think about the same idea of locating people who want and are interested in what you have.
At that point, you won’t be able to slow down the flood of people wanting to join you!

To your success,

Seun Banjo

No More Excuses!

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Can Your Excuses Be More Than This???!!!

To your success,

Seun Banjo

The Positivity Fast

This morning, I woke up with an idea. And that idea was to create a way for me to work on changing my thoughts to being more consistent in thinking and doing positive things.
As a result, I decided to do a Positivity Fast!
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For the next 5 days, I will be keeping track of all the times that I think a negative thought like “maybe that’s not possible” or “I can’t stand that”, etc. At the end of the 5 days I will tally up the number of times I “slipped” and be able to have a better grasp of how much time I spend thinking in the positive direction versus the negative direction.
Now here is the cool part..
I shared this concept with my friends on twitter and Facebook and boy did it pick up some momentum. In fact, my friend Tomiwa has termed us the “Circle of Positivity”..thanks Man!
So I invite you to join this circle. All you have to do is follow the guideline I set above, be true to yourself and keep accurate track of your results. Only you will know if you’re being honest with yourself..
If you want to stay abreast of how the “circle” is doing, add me as a friend on Facebook and Twitter and let’s get this party started!!

To your success,

Seun Banjo

Just Do What You’re Told!!

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A couple of weeks ago, one of my Team Player got a call from a friend  in the network marketing industry who also happens to be a top producer. He liked some things she was doing and wanted to basically say “awesome job”. As they talking, he mentioned he would like her help on something and guess what…She needed his help on something too! That’s called a mutually beneficial relationship!! So they agreed and shook on it. In that conversation he shared some things with her and She realized She had some inefficiencies in her process that I needed to tweak. He told her what to do and she implemented what he said immediately.
The results???
Well if you look at the picture below, you will see the proof and hard-core results.
Moral of the Story: Do What You Are Told To Do!!!

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MLSP Leaderboard 2 6-25-09

Now, if you want to know EXACTLY what I was told and by who, WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW!



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I can help you achieve results like these, if you want them! There is a specific routine that I created to help me as well, and nobody else is using it!!


 To your success,

Seun Banjo

Nothing Ventured..Well That’s Shame On You!

It amazes me how people know that they need to make a change, but almost refuse to in the same breath. But you, as the professional must remember at all times this…
The world programs us all to be cows, not rhinos.
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So now that you are a rhino in the jungle, and you meet another cow, you must always remember that and know, the mind didn’t get that way overnight, and you and your awesome business won’t get it the other way overnight either! :)
One thing my mom always taught me was to go for it…to just do do whatever you want to do, no matter what. She taught me that nothing ventured is nothing gained. And all I can say is I am so grateful for that programming. And I urge each one of you do practice the same. But, if you are so happy where you are, that progress and development is not necessary, then stay where you are. That choice is up to you!
However, despite those teaching and beliefs, I want you as marketers, whether online or offline to know, that people will not join you until they are ready. Do not force, do not beg, do not even “handle objections” in a loose sense. See when you do those things, people see you as being in opposition of them, and that is never a position you want to be in.
You want to always be a team player and you want them to see you as that as well. Let them observe you, which means you must be working the business actively. Let them see and hear from those you have helped along the way, and that means you must be actively working the business. Let them see that you don’t NEED them, but to do that you must be actively working the business.
So to wrap this up, be sure of what you do, be sure of who you are and be sure of who you’re looking for. With those energies floating around you all day, when the time is right, that person will join! Until then, keep it movin and keep prospecting!
Have Some Fun This Week!

My MLM Marketing Strategy
Skype: SeunBanjo

To your success,

Seun Banjo

You Must Strike, Strike, and Strike Again!

Alma Mater is Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. And for those of you who don’t know, there is something very distinct about FAMU Rattlers! See, they have a few words that speak true to who they are, inside…deep down inside. In this video, Dr. Humphries, speaks light of these words. So even if you are not a FAMU Alumni, please listen because the spirit of a rattler is what you must have in this business. The ability to strike and never give up must resonate in your soul.
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So please take a look at this brief video and in the comment section, let me know if you are ready to Strike!

To your success,

Seun Banjo

Tremble If You Must…But Do It!

I am so excited to share this message with you today. See, the man you are about to watch is a Man of Power and Inspiration.
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I saw his video and thought I would be crazy not to share it with you. So please enjoy and be sure to leave me a comment on your thoughts about the message delivered in the video!
Thanks Freddie, luv ya!

To your success,

Seun Banjo

Friday, January 22, 2010

Why Network Marketing Simply Will Not and Can Not Work For You!

Mental Exercise: Take a moment and imagine your life without that stupid boss. What about with that new 10,000 sq ft home you’ve always wanted but just could never seem to get? What if vacationing was an aspect of life you didn’t miss out on and lack of money was no longer an issue for your family?
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These are some of the reasons that hundreds of thousands of people all over the world look to joining the Network Marketing Industry. Our industry legitimately provides a way for an average person to start a business, with minimum investment and risk, and mold it into a multi-million dollar enterprise…if so desired. But there currently seems to be a plague on network marketing, doesn’t it?
I mean everyone you talk to about it thinks that it is a scam or some sort of get rich quick scheme. You find yourself begging and even dishing out cash to entice your friend or family member to come to the meeting. You work so hard with trying to coordinate the schedule of your upline leader with that of your prospect so that “someone who really knows the business” can explain it to your potential team member. And then something happens. You get trampled on, rejected and tossed out on the street with no new sign-ups. So you ask yourself, “how is it that I could see the opportunity and no-body else can.” Heck, after all of that, you resort to the mindset of maybe this just isn’t for you. Now the sad part about this is that somewhere in the process, you lose sight of your dreams of working from home, spending more time with your family and buying anything you want anytime. You slowly begin to join the long list naysayers who “told you” that network marketing doesn’t work and then it’s over.
But why didn’t it work? You have to understand that it was not your fault. See, it didn’t work because you were never set up with the right tools and strategy to begin with. You were given a welcome kit and told to set up your first home meeting and invite all your friends and family. You were instructed to buy the marketing materials provided by the company and share them with people everywhere you go. You saw the people making 6 figures a minute and thought that you could do it the way they did it, no problem. Ah ha! But that is the problem, with traditional network marketing that is.
Allow me to share with you how to make it work. You and I both know that it can certainly be done. If it were impossible, all those people on the stage wouldn’t even be there. So, what is it that you are missing? What is it that the heavy-hitters know and have that you don’t? Well the answer is so simple that you’re not even going to get it the first time. A system! I’ll say it again for you. Multi-million dollar earners have a duplicable system that works based on metrics, not on chance. Now do you see why you simply will not succeed using the system your upline tells you? THEY are succeeding, but YOU are not. It’s because you are trying to plug into a system where only the strong survive, where the outgoing personality gets all the leads and the one who can present is adored.
If you want you to access the information that completely changed my life and helped me to build a huge network marketing organization of business owners achieving massive success, click on the “Internet MLM Success” link in the resource box.
Seun Banjo is an Expert Internet Network Marketer who hates rejection and chasing dead-end leads. To learn more about how he completely stopped having hotel meetings and still grew a lead database of over 211 prospects while generating over $1,703 in less than 30 days even though no one joined his business, click this link ==> Internet MLM Success

No Offense, But if You Are Color Blind, Prospecting Will Kill You!

I know, you are probably wondering what being color blind has to do with being successful at prospecting. Well for your information, it is CRITICAL to your success in the network marketing industry.
You may have heard before that there are different personality types. And as a network marketer, YOU must be aware of them and be able to identify them quickly in order to make your prospecting phone time a highly converting time period where you sign up more distributors.
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So here are the four colors of that you must learn and master. Once you do that, closing sales will be a cinch!
Yellow: Your yellow prospect is very open and indirect. That means if you ask them a question they at least will give you the answer, but are not likely to elaborate. They will give you what you ask for and not much more. In other words short and to the point. Yellows tend to be teachers, nurses, care-takers, etc. People who are very helpful and concerned with others. What makes the group happy is what makes them happy.
Blue: Your blue prospect is very open as well but is direct. This person will give you what you ask and a whole lot more. Your blue is very talkative and loves to have fun. They enjoy being the life of the party and are open to trying anything at least once. Blues will be your entertaining people and those who are less likely to be selfish.
Green: Greens are Closed and Indirect. That means that if you ask a green a question, they may not even really want to answer it, and even if they do, you won’t get much more from them. These are your analytical and numbers oriented people. Accountant, engineers, computer geeks and the like will most likely fit this category.
Red: Reds are closed and direct. Now your reds are special. These peeps are self-centered and will let you know how well they have done and how much money they have made right out the gate. A red is generally selfish and may know how to do something but can’t always show others how to. They are more likely to believe they were born with “it” than to try to understand where and how they learned it so they can show others how they can have the great success they have had. Reds would be your CEO’s, your successful salesman, and your cocky egomaniacs (sorry reds, that’s just who you are..but I still love you).
So as you can see, not everyone you talk to on the phone will lay down and be easy. Some you will have to pull info out of (yellow), some you will have to take back control of the conversation (blue), some will want to research and research and research some more (green), and some will try to tell you how great they are so much that you have to remember they opted into YOUR site because they just might not know it all (red).
I want you to keep in mind that we all have a very unique mix of these colors, but when propsecting, you are looking for the dominant color. In fact, I suggest you determine which color you are right now, and be honest with yourself. You will find that you will attract more of yourself. If you are not happy with the types of people you are attracting, reflect on are most likely just like who your are attracting!
So, get good at identifying and matching your prospect’s color and watch your sales and sign ups go through the roof. I know, because once I implemented this skill, my numbers shot right up the leaderboards!

To your success,

 Seun Banjo
Skpe: SeunBanjo

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Having Vision In Network Marketing

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Network Marketing is surrounded by Personal Development and it is for a reason. The reason why is because there is so much failure in this industry. People cant handle the failure and rejection and they quit before they give themselves a chance. There is no need to do that. Let me explain. The best analogy I have for Vision is this "Dont focus on what you are going through, focus on where you are going to". Another one is "If you are in hell right now, keep on going".

Your subconscious needs a road map. It needs to know what do you believe is your true identity. How can you expect to have it all and be successful and prosperous and all that good stuff if you do not first firmly believe that you can have it all?. Let me give you a piece of advice. Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between a truth and a lie.If you can program properly your mind to truly believe that your success is around the corner, then success will come to easily as yuor vision or other wise known as your expectations is for you to be successful

On the other hand if you want wealth and success but your subconscious has too may limiting beliefs that are going to stop you from being wealth, then you 100% cannot become wealthy. We as human beings are very predictable creatures. We attract what we think about most. Whatever you have done in your life has had always a thought preceding it. Does it not then make sense that you should be focusing on your vision morning night and day. What do you think you will attract?, your vision of course. The more you think of it, the quicker you will attract it, period.

Successful entrepreneurs who became super successful in a matter of a few short years lived in their vision. They lived their down to the last detail. So I implore you now, start driving that car, start traveling first class everywhere, start thinking in vivid detail what you are going to be doing very soon and you will do this my friend. At times you may feel that the race is tough and long but ultimately its just against yourself. See below for our system that will get your vision coming to you at light speed and I wish you massive success !

"Wanna Learn The Secret To Making $$$ Per Month While Quickly And Easily Attracting Your Network Marketing Vision On Autopilot?"
  FREE Training Center Explains All

Increasing Your Value In Network Marketing

ncreasing Your Value In Network Marketing

How Valuable are you to the market place. We have to say market place because your mother may be extremely valuable or a close friend may be extremely valuable. In
the market place however which is reality, if you are not that valuable, you do not get much money, period. This is fact. How do you get money, you could go on strike for more but you cant get rich by demand. You can wait for a raise but if you become more valuable to the marketplace, you increase your income. Life is a ladder, as you increase your value and work harder on yourself than you do on your job, you will increase your success.

Whats the difference between a person earning $5 an hour and a person $400 an hour. Its all down to value. You can turn your life around. It is possible for you earn millions in your lifetime. Are you saving, are you investing. Are you reading empowering books. The wisdom of the world is available to you if you want to access it. Have you improved your skills. You are messing up if you not being proactive and getting ahead in life. Results is the name of the game. What other game is there. Here is all life asks to do. Life asks to make measurable progress in reasonable time.Are you being influenced by other people. Who are your 5 closest friends and acquaintances? It is proven that you are the sum of the 5 closest friends. Your success and income will be the average of these people

Be willing to face the numbers. How is your attitude?. The truth will set you free. The truth is inconvertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it but in the end, there it is. You need to change and do things differently if you want to change permanently. Einstein says that ignorance is doing the same thing over time and expecting different results. Get busy, yes you will fail more but as you fail you will start to learn what works.Health change, relationships change,income change, equity change. You need to start and the first thing you know you got this cycle in an upward motion and you can have all this to the extent that results will stagger your imagination. Do not curse what available but simply instead amend whats possible and you will have the results what you want

Ultimately your success will boil down to how valuable you are to the marketplace. If you are in network marketing, you must increase your value if you want more success. Learn a skill set, Learn how to become a master marketer and overtime you will be hunted out by other network marketers as they see you as a person of real value. The reason why McDonald's pay $5 an hour and Coco Cola Pay their ceo $20,000 a year is simply down to value. Work hard on yourself my friend. Increase your value and watch success come knocking. To Learn more for free contact us now.

Heart Of A Leader - Network Marketing

This article may be of interest to you if you feel you are beating your head up against a brick wall in your business at times. Life is basically asking you the question of how badly do you want success.
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There are hoards of stories throughout human history describing how people fought through the rejection, fought through the years of failing to finally prevail. If you never quit and always remain proactive in your business, then your chances of success are increased massively. Do not focus on what you are going through, focus on where you are going. If you are in business, you desire success and prosperity, focus on those issues and that which you focus on will be attracted to you.

Gratitude In Network Marketing

You must have so much gratitude as it opens up the gateway to the human heart. Gratitude is the foundation on having a great life. If you can start your day and end your day with gratitude, you will have a very fulfilling life in network marketing.
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We do create our reality in Life. We are accountable for our results in life. When we have our heart open with gratitude, Our greatest potential is unleashed. There is wisdom in appreciating the roles people play in our lives. There are many people in my life where I am very grateful that they belong in life. There is so much to be grateful for. Make very moment count my friends as today is all you have. We do not have tomorrow

Inside the human heart is an amazing inspiration and a tremendous amount of love. If we can live in this state, our days will be so much more fulfilling and creative as we are in a state of gratitude. When you give even if you are broke, you start feeling powerful. You start to feel that there is an abundance of wealth in the world instead of having a scarcity mindset. Make sure you count your blessings as the people who count their blessings experience more in life because they are have the right mindset and the right start of mind.

So if you are in network marketing, stop being negative and talking about failures. Be grateful for being in business, be grateful for being healthy, be grateful that you life in a country where you live and you have this opportunity. Only if you become grateful can you attract more gratitude. Give and you shall receive. Are you focusing on your down line or are you focusing too much on yourself. Once you start giving as much as you can to your team, things will start to happen for you because you have an attitude of gratitude. To find out more contact us asap.

Why People Fail In Network Marketing

Let me ask you a question. Imagine yourself as an eighty year old with thoughts of living your life all over again. You could do more that you have done. What we do and what we accomplish in life is only the tip of the iceberg of what we could accomplish in life.
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Do you know that an immigrant has a much better chance of becoming a millionaire in America than a born American. You can leave your mark in yuor network marketing business. Start setting some income goals and think big. Do not worry about how you are going to achieve those goals. How is none of your business. When you must do something you will always find out how to do it.

The most important thing is to increase those goals you have ten fold. Most network marketers fail in business not because they aim too high and miss but aim too low and hit and unfortunately many do not aim at all. So my question to you is this. Are you doing all you can to succeed in your network marketing business?. Are you looking at those constantly and implementing strategies to succeed at them.

Let this be the day that you get momentum going in your network marketing business. You can so much succeed if you start getting focus and start focusing on where you want to be, not focusing on what you are going through. Do not be a wipe out, start working through the problems you have in your business. Improve your skill set, start getting around like minded people. Start networking with professionals. If you do all these things, I would predict that you will become a resounding success in network marketing

Relationships In Network Marketing

The quality of relationships that we have are proportional to the questions we ask. Wisdom is knowing that everyone you come into contact with has a hierarchy of values. People sometimes find it difficult to create real meaningful relationships as they become embroiled with the other person when they do not live up to their own hierarchy of values.
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A wise man once said that there are 3 qualities of leadership. Drive, Knowledge and relationships. If you have all three, I would say that you are very successful in anything that you are doing. The reason why I say this is because when one posses all three qualities, one attracts success like a magnet for the following reasons Whatever product or service you provide you become successful because

1. You are driven. People are attracted to the advancing man. Its scientifically proven that people are attracted to successful people when buying rather than unsuccessful people. If you are advancing, people will help you grow

2. If you have fantastic knowledge about your product or service, you will be perceived more as an expert or a consultant instead of a sales person. All people want is for someone to solve their problems. If you become a problem solver, people will be attracted to you as you are solutions orientated.

How To Have Motivation In Network Marketing

The most important thing you can do is to think big in your network marketing business. If you are going to be thinking, you might as well be thinking big. Thinking big starts with the details and grows from there. You cant take chances in your network marketing business. Thinking big starts with being thorough.
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Get momentum going to start you on the right path. If you do not have momentum, you will not have the energy necessary to get the job done. You have to also stay focused. What should you be thinking of right now in terms on your network marketing business?. This should bring back your focus straight away. You also must focus on the solutions, not the problem. When you experience a problem, ask yourself the following question, is this a blip or is this a catastrophe?. Now a catastrophe is something like an earthquake so all the time you are only experiencing blips. Focus on the solutions and you will sort out those blips straight away .Be open to new ideas and you will be creating your reality quickly

Be lucky. Remember the old saying the harder the work, the luckier you get.Well its true. You must love what you are doing if you want to be successful at it. If you love writing, start writing articles, if you love being with people, start networking. You will never be brilliant at what you are doing if you are not passionate about what you are doing. See yourself as victorious. When you picture yourself in the future being victorious, that zaps negativity straight away and gets you into a positive mental state in your network marketing business

Success is very important. Success is what you want. Use what you have and you will become successful. You have something to offer and if you apply yourself diligently, you will become successful.

Never give up. The only time you will be a failure is when you give up. Whatever you do, never give up, do not ever quit. Think Big in your network marketing business. You are going to be a winner I'm going to see you at the top!

How To Build your List For Your Network Marketing Business

There are several benefits to building your own subscriber list. When you control your own list, you control what messages they are receiving. Now 95% of the people that come onto your list will probably never join your business. This is just the way of the world. A High percentage of the network marketers that are on your list may have their own primary business. They may be just looking for training and valuable information to help them in their own businesses.
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So here is what we do as internet marketers. We offers valuable resources to our list such as e-books, auto-responder services, training modules etc to assist them in reaching their goals in their network marketing businesses. When you do this you earn income which helps you put that income back into your marketing to build your list even more

There are so many ways you can build your list. You can offer something of value for free like a free report or an e-book. My opt in page offers free network marketing training to the subscriber. Start building your profiles on twitter and face-book and have your website there with your lead capture page. I highly recommend that you use a lead capture page or other wisely known as a squeeze page.

Start writing articles and submit them to multiple article directories. Start recording videos and start submitting them to multiple video directories. There are so many things you can do online to generate traffic and loyal subscribers. If you have a budget, you build your network marketing subscriber list really quickly using pay per click marketing. I build my list for free as my marketing costs is offset by the sales I generate from my list. When you sell a generic product on the front end such as an e-book for example, the commissions from these sales can be offset against your pay per click costs. This is a powerful strategy when you implement it correctly. I wish you massive success!

MLM Lead Generation & Attraction Marketing

Prospecting for business as you know it has come to an end. Compare todays social environment with our environment 15 years ago. People have been forced to build walls around their lives . The key to success is this. You need a way to get invited into your prospects lives rather than trying to push a sale on them.
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When you attract people into your sphere of influence, you can literally tell them what to do as they contacted you first not the other way around. If you are in sales and you have multiple people contacting you every day, then you are in a very powerful position. Attraction marketing is the future of sales at least on the Internet. When you see marketers pitching their business on face book and twitter, it makes my blood boil.

Like you, our in box every day is flooded with e-mail solicitations which try to sell us on the next best thing. Even if the offer is great, you never asked to be solicited. This way of marketing can work but you must be prepared for a whole lot of rejection before you embark down this route.

In order to break through the infinite noise, you need to learn how to attract your prospects. Lead generation is so much easier when you are valuable in the market place. Why do you think all the high paying celebrities of our world get paid huge sums of money every year by endorsement companies ?. Because they are valuable in the marketplace. Everyone wants to shake their hands and get their photo with them. Its the same in network marketing. The top network marketers sponsor people with ease. Everyone wants to work with the people that are the most valuable, period.

Which brings the question, how do you become that person. How do you become more valuable in the marketplace. Its simple, you need to improve your skill set. To become more valuable as a person, work harder on yourself than you do on your career. By doing this, you change as a person. Its back to school time when you start a new network marketing business. When you know more that the next net worker, you will be perceived as valuable and they will want to join your business

So if you are presently in business, generating leads but failing to sponsor network marketing reps, its because you don't hold enough value in their eyes. The quickest way to increase your value is to increase you knowledge. Buy every training product on network marketing so you can increase your value in the marketplace. Every time you do this, you are going to become more valuable in the eyes of your prospects as you are bringing more education to their table. Attraction marketing is actually not a choice, its automatic. So build your value my friend and success will find you. See below how you can increase your value tenfold and attract new distributors easily into your business.

10 Key Indicators of a Great MLM

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1.Quality Product

 look 4a Company that has a proven,mainstream product line.Quality product are remembered long after gimmicks and fads have faded.

2. No Pass-Ups

   You should look for a marketing plan that rewards you for your efforts.When someone you sponsored excels in sales,you will be rewarded and not passed up.

3. No Demotions
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  A distributor should not be demoted due to inactivity of sales.Once you have been promoted to a certain level,you should remain at that level for life.

4. Bonuses Paid on the RETAIL Price of the Product

  Even though you only pay wholesale prices for your products,a quality company will still pay your bonuses on the RETAIL price of the product.

5.Proven Financial Stability
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 The company's sales chart should demonstrate their steady growth,sales figures and sales history,ultimately projecting their future trends.

6. At LEAST 5 Year Minimum Industry Experience

 A well-established MLM will make it past the crucial first 5years with solid management,a strong business plan,motivated distributors and quality products.

7.Multiple Income Opportunities

 A variety of income opportunities should be offered to you along with the advantages of working on your own schedule,either part- or full-time,and working from home.You should enjoy multiple opportunities to earn money,such as profit sharing and earned incentive bonuses.

8.Consumable Products

 Consumable products help you to easily build a base of loyal customers wanting to regularly purchase replacement products.An active consumer base is the key to a successful MLM and can only be built on QUALITY consumable products.

9.Extensive Support Network

 Your company should offer extensive support,from training seminars and materials,to incentives and helpful staff,at the regional,national and international levels.Remember,your success directly affect the MLM's success!

10. International Presence

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 A company with a multiple -year track record that is established around the world,shows growth,reliability and quality products.Most companies that venture internationally are stable and have ample industry experience.

Not all multi-level marketing companies (MLMs) are created equal.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Case Credits

Case Credits is the international currency unit used by Forever Living Products (FLP) for calculating Distributor turnover and bonuses. Every product in the Forever Living Products (FLP) range has an assigned Case Credit value which is related to the monetary value of each item.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Funded Proposal - Advantages and Features

A funded proposal is a term used to describe a marketing method. In this process, inexpensive products (to a degree) are sold on the front end. The goal is then to up sell the higher price point product or business, which is actually the main product, to the buyer. The end result is to show the buyer that they can trust you to make the higher end purchase because the initial, inexpensive purchase was valuable.
Why It Is Useful?
In a funded proposal, there is the element of building trust that factors in. It has become well known in the industry of network marketing that most people will quit (in some cases, the estimates are that 97 percent of people will not continue). One of the largest problems with a funded proposal is that it can take a great deal of time to earn money. Since a new person wants to make money quickly they easily become discouraged when business is slow. At this point they are highly likely to fall out if their perceived expectations are not fulfilled.
Many of those who are considering a business may already be involved in one. In this case, they may be interest in purchasing a product that is of interest to them or is likely to help them with their own business.
In either of these situations, the funded proposal method can work.
• Sell products related to network marketing or internet marketing.
• Keep the prices modest.
• Gradually build a list of people who are interested in the product or the business opportunity. This list is substantially stronger than other email campaign lists because it is based on people who have already purchased from you.
• Sell to the list your main business or product, at a substantially higher price point.
The Advantages
There are several key advantages to using a funded proposal method of advertising. First, by selling the smaller product, you still are generating some regular income. These funds are good to use for the purchase of advertising or to invest further in your business. It can also be a steady stream of income depending on how well one utilizes it.
Unlike email leads purchased from lead vendors, the leads created through the funded proposals are stronger. They have already purchased from you and are interested in your type of business. They have been proven to be a more serious respondent not just a tire kicker because they have paid for the privilege of receiving more information. The leads purchased from leads marketing vendors do not always generate any substantial interest and they may have already been in use by other businesses.
If you do use funded proposals for your overall initial product, be careful with your own personal branding. The author of the funded proposal product is the one who will get the branding, which can lead to helping to develop their business instead of your own. Utilize attraction marketing methods, like blogs, landing pages and other marketing tools to create your own brand even if you are using someone else's funded proposal product.

Network Marketing Lead Generation & Attraction Marketing

Prospecting for business as you know it has come to an end. Compare the present social environment with our environment 15 years ago. People have been forced to build walls around their lives. The key to success is this. You need a way to get invited into your prospects lives rather than trying to push a sale on them.
When you attract people into your sphere of influence, you can literally tell them what to do as they contacted you first not the other way around. If you are in sales and you have multiple people contacting you every day, then you are in a very powerful position. Attraction marketing is the future of sales at least on the Internet. When you see marketers pitching their business on face book and twitter, it makes my blood boil.
Like you, our in box every day is flooded with e-mail solicitations which try to sell us on the next best thing. Even if the offer is great, you never asked to be solicited. This way of marketing can work but you must be prepared for a whole lot of rejection before you embark down this route.
In order to break through the infinite noise, you need to learn how to attract your prospects. Lead generation is so much easier when you are valuable in the market place. Why do you think all the high paying celebrities of our world get paid huge sums of money every year by endorsement companies?. Because they are valuable in the marketplace. Everyone wants to shake their hands and get their photo with them. Its the same in network marketing. The top network marketers sponsor people with ease. Everyone wants to work with the people that are the most valuable, period.
Which brings the question, how do you become that person. How do you become more valuable in the marketplace. Its simple, you need to improve your skill set. To become more valuable as a person, work harder on yourself than you do on your career. By doing this, you change as a person. Its back to school time when you start a new network marketing business. When you know more that the next net worker, you will be perceived as valuable and they will want to join your business
So if you are presently in business, generating leads but failing to sponsor network marketing reps, its because you don't hold enough value in their eyes. The quickest way to increase your value is to increase you knowledge. Buy every training product on network marketing so you can increase your value in the marketplace. Every time you do this, you are going to become more valuable in the eyes of your prospects as you are bringing more education to their table. Attraction marketing is actually not a choice, its automatic. So build your value my friend and success will find you. See below how you can increase your value tenfold and attract new distributors easily into your business.

Network Marketing and Duplication - What Does it Mean?

In the real estate game the secret to success is location, location, location. In the network marketing industry it is duplication. If your downline can duplicate what you do then you are on your way to building a successful network. But the question is can the things you do be duplicated?
Some will argue that it is impossible to duplicate everything. And because of this they say that if you, as a sponsor, tell your downline to do as you do then you will ultimately fail. And many people that join an MLM will think that it will be easy to do the things you do.
The truth is that only certain aspects of the network marketing industry can be duplicated. And by having your downline think that duplication is easy, they will soon learn that it isn't. Then discouragement sets in and finally they quit.
They quit because there is more to building a business than simply "duplicating". What are some of the features of working an MLM business can be duplicated? Most of the technical aspects certainly can be duplicated. Of course one would have to learn how to perform the activities but it can be duplicated.
Using computer programs, e-mail templates, using three-way calls, building websites, listening to phone conferences etc. can all be duplicated. It may take awhile to learn how to do some things, but it can be done. So what parts of network marketing can't be duplicated?
The one thing that your downline can't duplicate is personal style. We all have our own way of communicating. This can't be duplicated. People have to develop their own style when trying to build a business. It is simply impossible to duplicate the personal style and characteristic of another.
If you want to bring people into your business, either as a customer or as an associate, you will have to communicate with them in some fashion or another. And we all have our own style of communicating. It does no good to try and duplicate how someone else presents the business.
You have to be yourself. Why? Because people can detect when you are not! It is just something that can't be duplicated. All the other "stuff" can be easily duplicated. But the most important part of networking is the one thing that must be developed from an individual perspective.
Don't base your dreams of being successful by simply believing that everything can be duplicated in this industry. If that were true everyone who joined an MLM would be successful. Yet we know that this is not the case. Only so much can be duplicated. The rest comes from the heart. Be yourself if you want to be successful.

Network Marketing Mistakes - 3 Common Silly Mistakes You Must Avoid When Starting in This Industry

We are all humans and all humans make mistakes at one point or another. When it comes to the home based business industry there are many network marketing mistakes that people end up making when they first get started. Even though a lot of these mistakes are needed in order for you to learn to do things the right way there are actually 3 common silly mistakes that people make all the time that you must avoid since they are possible to avoid. I'm going to be revealing the 3 mistakes and be giving you a little bit of detail on each of them so that you can understand how to avoid them.
Mistake #1 Try To Do Too Many Promotional Methods At The Same Time
The first silly mistake that many network marketers make when they get started in this industry is that they try to promote their business in so many different ways only to end up overwhelmed. It is important for you to know that there are many methods of promoting available on the Internet but it doesn't mean that you have to use all of these methods to promote your business. The best way to approach it is to dedicate time to mastering one method and then move on to the next one.
Mistake #2 Being Unfaithful To Your Network Marketing Company
The second biggest mistake that people make when getting started in this industry is that they become very unfaithful to their network marketing company. You have to understand that you must be with one company and one company only because if you try to be in more than one at the same time you're just going to confuse yourself and confuse the people that you bring into the business. This is why is very important that you do a lot of research and really make sure that you truly want to join a specific company before you make a final decision. You definitely must avoid being unfaithful at all costs because you are only asking for problems.
Mistake #3 Giving Up Too Quickly
The last mistake that many people make is that they give up too quickly when they join the network marketing industry. They do not give themselves the chance to develop and become better in this industry and usually quit right away. This is the biggest mistake you can make because once you quit you are giving up on everything that you have worked so hard for so far. This is the one mistake you must make sure you avoid making no matter what because remember those that quit are the only ones who fail.
Have you ever tried achieving success with network marketing and only ended up with more frustrations than you can handle? It is simple to achieve success in this industry and build a lifelong residual income but you must first learn exactly what you are missing.