In the real estate game the secret to success is location, location, location. In the network marketing industry it is duplication. If your downline can duplicate what you do then you are on your way to building a successful network. But the question is can the things you do be duplicated?
Some will argue that it is impossible to duplicate everything. And because of this they say that if you, as a sponsor, tell your downline to do as you do then you will ultimately fail. And many people that join an MLM will think that it will be easy to do the things you do.
The truth is that only certain aspects of the network marketing industry can be duplicated. And by having your downline think that duplication is easy, they will soon learn that it isn't. Then discouragement sets in and finally they quit.
They quit because there is more to building a business than simply "duplicating". What are some of the features of working an MLM business can be duplicated? Most of the technical aspects certainly can be duplicated. Of course one would have to learn how to perform the activities but it can be duplicated.
Using computer programs, e-mail templates, using three-way calls, building websites, listening to phone conferences etc. can all be duplicated. It may take awhile to learn how to do some things, but it can be done. So what parts of network marketing can't be duplicated?
The one thing that your downline can't duplicate is personal style. We all have our own way of communicating. This can't be duplicated. People have to develop their own style when trying to build a business. It is simply impossible to duplicate the personal style and characteristic of another.
If you want to bring people into your business, either as a customer or as an associate, you will have to communicate with them in some fashion or another. And we all have our own style of communicating. It does no good to try and duplicate how someone else presents the business.
You have to be yourself. Why? Because people can detect when you are not! It is just something that can't be duplicated. All the other "stuff" can be easily duplicated. But the most important part of networking is the one thing that must be developed from an individual perspective.
Don't base your dreams of being successful by simply believing that everything can be duplicated in this industry. If that were true everyone who joined an MLM would be successful. Yet we know that this is not the case. Only so much can be duplicated. The rest comes from the heart. Be yourself if you want to be successful.
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