The quality of relationships that we have are proportional to the questions we ask. Wisdom is knowing that everyone you come into contact with has a hierarchy of values. People sometimes find it difficult to create real meaningful relationships as they become embroiled with the other person when they do not live up to their own hierarchy of values.
A wise man once said that there are 3 qualities of leadership. Drive, Knowledge and relationships. If you have all three, I would say that you are very successful in anything that you are doing. The reason why I say this is because when one posses all three qualities, one attracts success like a magnet for the following reasons Whatever product or service you provide you become successful because
1. You are driven. People are attracted to the advancing man. Its scientifically proven that people are attracted to successful people when buying rather than unsuccessful people. If you are advancing, people will help you grow
2. If you have fantastic knowledge about your product or service, you will be perceived more as an expert or a consultant instead of a sales person. All people want is for someone to solve their problems. If you become a problem solver, people will be attracted to you as you are solutions orientated.
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